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Carcassonne - ZOMBI
téma založeno uživatelem Chmura - 13.11.2014, 11:07

Uživatele, kteří přidali do tohoto tématu příspěvek: [ZRUŠIT filtrování příspěvků]
Bumsakalaka 2 Chmura 10 Eldenroot 7 endomame 3 Fanny 1 Jan Groot 1 Miroslav Váša 1 Myrha 1 šmoula 3 SxN 2 Txema Garte 1 xwinte00 1 ZH6 1
Carcassonne Zombi varianta (2009)

Moto hry: The only good mapple is edead meeple. (Pouze mrtvá figurka je dobrá figurka.)

Hra se bohužel dostala jen do stádia demoverze a domácího zkoušení.

Jak jsem pochopil z vebu tak hra byla komplet hotová a vyzkoušená.
Výrobce Carcasssonne ji ale odmítl s tím, že je příliš krvavá a strašidelná na prostředí Carcassonee.
Myslím, ze je to docela škoda, byl by to pěkný kousek do zbírky.

Autor hry je T. M. Collins.

Tak alespoň obrázková ochutnávka hry...

Přiložené soubory Miniatury
Chmura Zelený meeple
JJ na to už jsem narazil. To bych si rád zahrál, vypadá to na rozšíření herních mechanismů díky kartám.... :)
endomame, hrdý člen Carcassonne FORUM od 27.5.2014.
(13.11.2014, 12:10)endomame Napsal(a): JJ na to už jsem narazil. To bych si rád zahrál, vypadá to na rozšíření herních mechanismů díky kartám.... :)
Autor by možná poskytl pravidla, ale nevím jak by to bylo s grafickou částí karet. Bohužel nevládnu tolik angličtinou,abych se ho na poskytnutí hry zeptal Zmatený .
Chmura Zelený meeple
(13.11.2014, 12:45)Chmura Napsal(a):
(13.11.2014, 12:10)endomame Napsal(a): JJ na to už jsem narazil. To bych si rád zahrál, vypadá to na rozšíření herních mechanismů díky kartám.... :)
Autor by možná poskytl pravidla, ale nevím jak by to bylo s grafickou částí karet. Bohužel nevládnu tolik angličtinou,abych se ho na poskytnutí hry zeptal Zmatený .

Na to se tu někdo určitě najde.....ale moc rád bych to zkusil. Alepoň bych věděl co s jednou krabicí od rozšíření :)
endomame, hrdý člen Carcassonne FORUM od 27.5.2014.
(13.11.2014, 13:15)endomame Napsal(a):
(13.11.2014, 12:45)Chmura Napsal(a):
(13.11.2014, 12:10)endomame Napsal(a): JJ na to už jsem narazil. To bych si rád zahrál, vypadá to na rozšíření herních mechanismů díky kartám.... :)
Autor by možná poskytl pravidla, ale nevím jak by to bylo s grafickou částí karet. Bohužel nevládnu tolik angličtinou,abych se ho na poskytnutí hry zeptal Zmatený .

Na to se tu někdo určitě najde.....ale moc rád bych to zkusil. Alepoň bych věděl co s jednou krabicí od rozšíření :)

No můžeš si jí zatím připravit  :D

Ale obrázek je na to asi malej...

Přiložené soubory Miniatury
Chmura Zelený meeple
Tak to vypadá dost dobře tohle!!! Usměvavý
Disclaimer!: the zombie figure I placed on the cover was not drawn by me. It is by an artist named Derek Ring who does incredible work. Though this box is for personal use I needed to give credit where credit was due if I am to show it. If you like him go check out his other work. Other than that the art was drawn and or/photo edited by me.
This excludes the victim cards which all have pretty fun place holder art. Until I can get some original pieces that is.

The parts
*72 tiles plus 12 river tiles. The tiles match the original game for the most part.
*7 skeletons and 1 zombie for each of the five colors.
*3 Victim meeples: for this purpose, mine are red, blue and green. though you can use cubes or disks or whatever if you dont have extra meeples lying around. 
*1 Zombie Hunter: Mine is a yellow meeple.
*1 Scoreboard (includes the game compass which will be explained later)
*24 BRAAAIINS counters

The game
The original Carcassonne is playable on this set but it was designed for the varient as well. Each player takes a set of 7 skeletons (Skeleteeples? Usměvavý...) and a Zombie (hmm.. Zombieeples too?) The skeletons represent normal meeples and are used to claim graveyards (cities) and roards.The zombie is a special piece. The zombie can be used to chase down victims that will appear throughout the game. The game requires the river be used to create some extra room for when victims and zombies start to appear. 
Turn Sequence 
The basic turn sequence is described below
1. Play a tile
2. Draw a card (if zombie is on the board)
3. Play a card (optional)
4. Move Zombie (if zombie is on the board)
The River
1. Place the river as normal. The skeletons can be used to claim features at this time.
2. Once the river is complete procede with play as normal, forgoeing farmers of course.
The Zombie
Zombie are your way to score points through eating victims. They are pretty tough and will stay in play unless removed by a Zombie Hunter. Having your zombie finish his move in the same space as a victim will allow you to eat and score that victim. Don't worry, there will be more victims to eat!
The Victims
There are 3 different types of victims: The Punk Rocker (level 1), the Police Officer (level 2) and the Reserve Soldier (level 3) Each victim has a different point value and ability. There are 2 ways to "eat" a victim.
1. Finish and score the unfinished feature that the victim is occupying. 
2. Move a zombie onto the victim. 

The Victims appear on the board through a deck of cards that are explained below.

The Victim Deck The victim deck of cards is to be placed on the table within reach of all player. Though there are special cards in this deck, most are victim cards. Once a player has a zombie on the board, they may draw a card after placing the tile on thier turn. If the card is a victim that is not currently on the board that player may place a the victim on the board.

Moving a victim
1. When a player draws a card of a victim that is already on the board, that card will move the victim. The victim will move in the direction that is highlighted on the compass displayed on thier card. They will move the amount displayed next to the compass.The directions on the game board are defined by the compass on the scoreboard, so make sure to place the scoreboard next to the game board. See the card below for reference.

*************Notice the compass in the lower right hand corner of the scoreboard.
Victim Abilities
1. The punk rocker is a standard victim with no special rules. 
2. If the police officer ends his move on the same space as another victim, he will "save" that victim and escort them to safety (removing both victims from the board)
3. If the National Guard ends his move on a skeleton, he will remove that skeleton from play. The soldier will stay on the board. 

These abilties are represented by the icons on the bottom of the cards below.
The zombie hunter!
If a zombe hunter is drawn from the victim deck look out! Someone's zombie is about to be dispatched. The player who drew the zombie hunter controls that hunter until the dispatch a zombie. However, if another player draws the zombie hunter in the mean time, they will assume control.

Here are my Zombie Hunter cards.
Special cards 
Finally we have special cards. These are shuffled throughout the victim deck and are self explanatory. You may have only 1 of any card in your hand at any time. if you draw a duplicate special card, discard that card and draw again. the following is a list of special cards.
Each player starts the game with 1 BRAAAIINS card

You may discard this card to have your zombie move Up to 6 spaces. If a victim is eaten during this turn, gain 1 additional point for that victim. As long as BRAAAAIINSS is in your possesion, place a marker on it for each victim you eat. The player with the most counters on his/her card at the end of the game earns a bonus.
Zombie Rampage
Move any zombie on the board. You may play Zombie Rampage on a later turn instead of drawing a card.
Move any victim on the board. You may play this card on later turn instead of drawing a card.
Coffin Break
Move your zombie up to 2 spaces.
Any player who currently does not have a Zombie in play may place thier Zombie at a chosen end of the river. 

NOTE: Coffin break may be kept to play on later turn instead of drawing a card.

Total Cards in Deck = 70 (an average of 55-65 get drawn a game)
And that is Carcassasonne!
Stále jsem přesvědčen, že kdybychom měli k dispozici grafickou podobu hry a kompletní pravidla hra by šla vyrobit!

Oslovil by někdo prosím autora s dotazem, zda by neposkytl vše pro domácí použití? Mrknutí
(Angličtinou bohužel nevládnu. Smutný )
Chmura Zelený meeple
[-] 1x   Eldenroot
To by bylo skvělé, je dostupný nějaký kontakt na autora + někdo kdo by se toho ujal?
(28.4.2017, 17:21)Eldenroot Napsal(a): To by bylo skvělé, je dostupný nějaký kontakt na autora + někdo kdo by se toho ujal?

Možná by další informace a kontakt na autora šel zjistit zde:

[Pouze registrovaní a přihlášení uživatelé mohou zobrazit URL odkazy - klikněte ZDE pro přihlášení/registraci.]


Když by se sehnala potřebná data, hlásím se na úpravu grafiky a případnou malosériovou výrobu. Usměvavý
Chmura Zelený meeple

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